I just had one of the busiest masonic weeks I have ever had. I had the honor of being installed Senior Deacon for my lodge on Saturday afternoon. I have been meeting with a few brethren as much as I can to learn the parts for the position. Many people have told me that this is their favorite chire in the entire lodge. There is a lot of movement and memorization that has to take place to fill that position properly. The following Monday was the busiest night I have had in a lodge.I was sitting SD for the first time other than just open and closing which I did pro tem a couple times last year. We opened, had 2 ballots, a FC proficiency examination, then straight into a third degree. That was the first time ever conducting a candidate and it was fun. Not perfect, but pretty close. I even played a speaking role later that I had never done before.
The following night we held an EA degree and I again conducted the candidate. It was a great night and a lot of fun.
Thursday night we had our regular Scottish Rite meeting where I was installed as Senior Deacon for the KSA for the upcoming year.
I am very honored that the lodges think enough of me to allow me to serve them in the positions that I have been appointed. This is looking like it is going to be a full year that I am going to enjoy.