April 11, 2011

Scottish Rite Reunion Day One

The day was a very long one with a lot of information given at once. There is to much information to absorb all at one time. I am glad there is a week between the 2 days we are doing this so that I can reflect on what I experienced.

Our day started at 7:15 am with a light breakfast and then we started in with the degrees 4-18. There were 6 candidates for the degrees in the class. In the Scottish Rite the degrees are conferred as a short play you watch. During each play one candidate is chosen to play that part. Certain degrees must be conferred in that manor and some are just explained to the candidates. This day we saw the 4th, 9th-10th, 14th,  15th and 18th. The rest were explained.These plays were very well done and quite interesting to watch.

We are lucky in that the director of education for the orient of NC is a member of our valley. He is trying a very different method in explaining the degrees not acted out and it is working very well. I have no knowledge of how it was done before, but they are taking those degrees not acted out and carrying on a conversation and parts of the degrees between multiple people and explaining each section as they go. From my understanding it is taking longer to do it this way, but we are hearing more and understanding more.

We even had Bill Brunk, SGIG for NC there to talk to us a little. This was a wonderful and full day of education. We finished up about 5:30 that afternoon. I look forward to next weekend to finish the degrees.

As for what I expect and plan from the SR, I expect to stay very active in my blue lodge. That is, and should, be my main concentration for now. There is a lot to learn and experience there first. It is the foundation of masonry and it should not be neglected. I plan on using the SR as a tool for more education and will participate as fully as I can. If there is one that is neglected any (and I do not plan on neglecting any) it will be the SR. This is a life long journey and I have time to experience it.

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