July 29, 2011

Technology, the internet and Freemasonry

Freemasonry is considered the oldest fraternity in the world. It is based on an ancient tradition. We do many things the way they have been done for hundreds of years. It is steeped in tradition. But there is a huge difference today than the Freemasonry of our forefathers. Technology is available to us that was not in the past.

As we move further in the electronic age we need to embrace technology as a tool. More and more people are relying on the internet for their main source of information. As this increases it becomes more important for our lodges and grand lodges to have a strong internet presence. Ask yourself when was the last time you used a phone book? If you are like most of the people in the US it has probably been a while.

The internet plays a key role in the life of today's lodges. A web presence is becoming more and more important. Many candidates are using the internet to search for lodges and find information about them. I found my lodge by doing a simple web search and then emailing the secretary. A lodges website at the very minimum should list the location and when the meetings are held. It should also give a way for someone to contact a live person there.  Most lodge websites list upcoming events and degrees as well. Many lodge websites offer a good bit of history and masonic info.

Grand Lodge websites can provide a lot of information to those looking at petitioning a lodge as well as those that are members in that jurisdiction. It can give an opportunity of brothers to find out what is happening throughout the state and give them opportunities to travel to other activities. Grand lodge websites can also keep members informed on what is happening at the Grand Lodge level. Information from the Grand lodges are reported in lodge meetings but if someone does not go to a particular meeting they might miss something. Online communications can reach many people in a fast and efficient manor.

Email communications can get information spread to lodge members as well. There is a lodge in our area that does not use electronic communications. There was a group of us going to visit that lodge and the majority of the information was sent by email. We were told after the meeting that they wanted to learn how to get information sent to brothers that way because it showed to be effective. Email can be used to keep brethren informed of meetings, emergent communications, degrees, fundraisers, deaths, and any other information that might be vital to the workings of a lodge.

Facebook and other social network sites give a place to spread the same type of information with the added benefit of members being able to post pictures and videos directly for others to see. Information can be sent in real time. People can keep up with each other and what is happening.

Another electronic means of communications are masonic forums. Forums give an opportunity for brothers from across the district, state, country, and even world to communicate with each other. There are forums for all types of masonic organizations at all levels. It is a great way to meet freemasons and establish friendships to those that we would most likely never meet otherwise. Forums make the world a much smaller place.

There are many other ways to use the internet that I have not even touched on. The marriage of ancient craft freemasonry with the modern use of computers and smartphones can continue to positively impact freemasonry today. It is how the technology is adopted that can make a difference. There are many sites online that those that have a vendetta against freemasonry espouse many conspiracies about us. We can use the same internet to show who and what we really are. The internet and technology is a tool. We need to embrace it and use it to our advantage.

1 comment:

  1. My lodge does not have a webpage. They are not yet convinced that one is necessary. It took them years to get a phone, and even a longer time to get an answering machine.

    The Grand Lodge of Arkansas web page has been suspended and unavailable for many months.

    The Grand Lodge of Ohio, has mandated that every subordinate lodge in the state must have a webpage.
