August 14, 2011

The 24 inch gage

The Twenty-four inch gauge is an instrument made use of my operative masons to measure and lay out their work, but we, as Free and Accepted masons are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of dividing our time. It being divided into twenty-four equal parts, is emblematic of the twenty-four hours of the day, which we are taught to divide into three equal parts; whereby are found eight hours for the service of God, and a distressed worthy brother; eight for our usual avocations; and eight for refreshment and sleep. (

It is a guide to how we should measure out time in everyday life. It is saying, in a sense, that we should prioritize our time in the service of God and charity, our work, and ourselves in that order. There is time for us to do everything that is needed and we should not just waste our time idly. We pass through time from the time we are born to the time that we die. Once time is spent, we cannot reclaim it. If we wast time, it is gone forever, never to be reclaimed. Look at Ecclesiastes 3 (or the Byrd's song "To everything there is a Season") as an example. There is a time for everything. The only thing missing from there is the time to "waste". We are only given 1/3 of our time for rest and refreshment. That leaves us 2/3 that should be spent in active pursuit of our work, worship, and education. We should not waste time. What we do with it is up to us. We should make the most use of out time for the betterment of ourselves and man. I am not saying there is not time for watching football, for example, or having fun. That is a necessary part of our life if we are to stay sane. We should not only do things for amusement. We should make the most of our lives that we can.

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